Black Lives Matter

We believe Black Lives Matter. And we are committed to being part of the solution. Decisive action today and a thoughtful path forward can bring about systematic, permanent, and meaningful change. Here are our first steps.


"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."

There are no perfect words when it comes to a problem as systemic and enduring as racial inequality in America. But let us begin by saying this: Black Lives Matter. And the experiences that the Black community face on a daily basis are unacceptable. 

Over the last week, the mountain of stories that demonstrate how unjustly Black Americans are treated finally resonated with those who, unfortunately, have failed to see the dire need for reform until now. Now, compassion has been awakened and the voices crying out for change have been amplified, not only here in America but around the world. Decisive action is the only acceptable next step. 

At Dealerware, we have been working to better understand how we can be part of the solution. How can we learn? How can we empower? How can we facilitate, drive, and implement change; both as voices of the community and voices for the community?

Our parent company, Silvercar Inc. has outlined the following plans to get us started. These are the first steps in a long road toward a more equal and compassionate future. We’re committed to the time, effort and collaboration it will take to get there. We will do our part daily and share our progress often. This is only the beginning. 

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